
Microalgae As Source of Functional Ingredients in New-Generation Foods: Challenges, Technological Effects, Biological Activity, and Regulatory Issues.

Critical reviews in food science and nutrition(2021)

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Microalgae feasibility as food ingredients or source of nutrients and/or bioactive compounds and their health effects have been widely studied. This review aims to provide an overview of the use of microalgae biomass in food products, the technological effects of its incorporation, and their use as a source of health-promoting bioactive compounds. In addition, it presents the regulatory aspects of commercialization and consumption, and the main trends and market challenges Microalgae have stood out as sources of nutritional compounds (polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber) and biologically active compounds (asthaxanthin, β-carotene, omega-3 fatty acids). The consumption of microalgae biomass proved to have several health effects, such as hypoglycemic activity, gastroprotective and anti-steatotic properties, improvements in neurobehavioral and cognitive dysfunction, and hypolipidemic properties. Its addition to food products can improve the nutritional value, aroma profile, and technological properties, with important alterations on the syneresis of yogurts, meltability in cheeses, overrun values and melting point in ice creams, physical properties and mechanical characteristics in crisps, and texture, cooking and color characteristics in pastas. However, more studies are needed to prove the health effects in humans, expand the market size, reduce the cost of production, and tighter constraints related to regulations.
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