Ninchisho Chienowa-net - A web system that calculates and publishes the probability of success of coping methods for behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia.


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This paper introduces the newest features and analysis of access logs of Ninchisho Chienowa-net, a web system that publishes the probability that coping methods for various symptoms occurring in patients with dementia will "go well" (probability of success). With an aim of reducing the burden on dementia caregivers, Ninchisho Chienowa-net not only publishes the probability of success of coping methods and information on dementia care, but is also equipped with features to collect experiences of coping methods for specific symptoms and to support the discovery of various coping methods. Since its launch in 2015, the site has seen a steady increase in the number of registered users and amount of access. Analysis of the access logs of Ninchisho Chienowa-net carried out in this study revealed that the access rate for the list of individual care topics is high and that it is necessary to prepare for large-scale access in the future.
Web system, Text data analysis, Dementia care, Coping method, Probability of success
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