A Novel Violation Tracing Model for Cloud Service Accountability.


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There are essential differences in the tracing to attacks versus violations. Attack tracing cannot be used, and there is no directly applicable model of violation tracing. To assist cloud service accountability, this paper presents a violation tracing (VTR) model that extracts the violation points originating from or involved with the claim point(s). In this process, in addition to determining the internal responsibility of the current point, we also need analyze the external factors possibly causing the violation of the current point. This enables us to infer the next hops that are violated, instead of simply jumping to the end to find an isolated original point(s) of the violation, and then organize them into a violation chain with the weight of responsibility. We validate our violation chain by a VTR experiment based on Alibaba\u0027s dataset. The results show some characteristics of the VTR: trace extraction, analysis of violation cause, and measure of responsibility weight. Because of these characteristics, the functional integrity of VTR reaches 0.833, which is much higher than those of other traditional tracing methods (\u003c 0.500). Thus, the presented method has superior functional completeness.
responsibility weight,violation chain,violation tracing,service accountability,cloud service
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