Algorithm for Cross-shard Cross-EE Atomic User-level ETH Transfer in Ethereum 2


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We address the problem of atomic cross shard value transfer in Ethereum 2. We leverage on Ethereum 2 architecture, more specifically on Beacon chain and crosslinks, and propose a solution on top of the netted-balance approach that was proposed for EE-level atomic ETH transfers. We split a cross-shard transfer into two transactions: a debit and a credit. First, the debit transaction is processed at the source shard. The corresponding credit transaction is processed at the destination shard in a subsequent block. We use netted shard states as channels to communicate pending credits and pending reverts. We discuss various scenarios of debit failures and credit failures, and show our approach ensures atomicity even in the presence of a Byzantine Block proposer. The benefits of our approach are that we do not use any locks nor impose any constraints on the Block Proposer to select specific transactions. However we inherit the limitation of an expensive operation from the netted-balance approach of querying partial states from all other shards.
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