Macrophyte diversity alters invertebrate community and fish diet


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The diversity of aquatic macrophytes can offer different local conditions required to support an increased number of microhabitats, therefore resulting in diverse biotic communities. This study assessed the influence of macrophyte diversity on the ecological attributes of the associated invertebrates (diversity, richness and abundance), as well as the diet composition of a small fish, Moenkhausia forestii , that inhabits the Upper Paraná River floodplain in abundance, and present great contributions of invertebrates in its diet. The richness and diversity of invertebrates increased with increasing macrophyte diversity, while the abundance of invertebrates didn’t show a significant relationship. The diet of M. forestii differed among stands and the consumption of invertebrates increased with increasing macrophyte diversity, while the consumption of aquatic plants decreased. Moreover, the trophic niche breadth of M. forestii expanded, a probable result of the increase in the ecological opportunity promoted by higher macrophyte diversity. Our study emphasizes the importance of the diversity of these plants as they structure the environment and the associated communities, and changes in the attributes of these plants could be reflected on other trophic levels and even on a local scale.
Community attributes,Trophic ecology,Niche breadth,Moenkhausia forestii
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