Massachusetts Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (MassJCOIN)

Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment(2021)

引用 19|浏览8
A major driver of the U.S. opioid crisis is limited access to effective medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) that reduce overdose risks. Traditionally, jails and prisons in the U.S. have not initiated or maintained MOUD for incarcerated individuals with OUD prior to their return to the community, which places them at high risk for fatal overdose. A 2018 law (Chapter 208) made Massachusetts (MA) the first state to mandate that five county jails deliver all FDA-approved MOUDs (naltrexone [NTX], buprenorphine [BUP], and methadone). Chapter 208 established a 4-year pilot program to expand access to all FDA-approved forms of MOUD at five jails, with two more MA jails voluntarily joining this initiative. The law stipulates that MOUD be continued for individuals receiving it prior to detention and be initiated prior to release among sentenced individuals where appropriate. The jails must also facilitate continuation of MOUD in the community on release.
Opioid use disorder,Massachusetts Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (MassJCOIN),Criminal justice settings,Buprenorphine,Methadone,Naltrexone,Medications for opioid use disorder,MOUD,Research protocol
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