One-Shot Phase Retrieval Method For Interferometry Using A Hypercolumns Convolutional Neural Network


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In three dimensional profilometry, phase retrieval technique plays a key role in signal processing stage. Fringe images need to be transformed into phase information to obtain the measurement result. In this paper, a new phase retrieval method based on deep learning technique is proposed for interferometry. Different from conventional multi-step phase shift methods, phase information can be extracted from only a single frame of an interferogram by this method. Here, the phase retrieval task is regarded as a regression problem and a hypercolumns convolutional neural network is constructed to solve it. Firstly, functions and each component of the network model are introduced in details; Then, four different mathematical functions are adopted to generate the training dataset; training and validation strategies are also designed subsequently; Finally, optimization processing is performed to eliminate local data defects in initial results with the help of polynomial fitting. In addition, hardware platform based on point diffraction interferometer is fabricated to support this method. Concluded from the experiment section, the proposed method possesses a desirable performance in terms of phase retrieval, denoising and time efficiency. (C) 2021 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
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