Critical phenomena and quantum discord of quantum antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on diamond-type hierarchical lattices


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The anisotropic spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg systems are studied on three typical diamond-type hierarchical lattices (systems A, B and C) with fractal dimensions df=1.63, 2 and 2.58, respectively. For system A, using the real-space renormalization group approach, we calculate the phase diagram, the critical exponent and quantum discord, and find that there exists a reentrant behavior in the phase diagram. We also find that the quantum discord reaches its maximum at T=0 and the thermal quantum discord decreases with the increase of L, and it is almost zero at L>30. No matter how large the size of system is, quantum discord will change to 0 when anisotropic parameter Delta=1. For systems B and C, using the equivalent transformation and the real-space renormalization group method, we obtain phase diagrams and find that: the Neel temperature tends to zero in the isotropic Heisenberg limit on df=2 system; there exists a phase transition in the isotropic Heisenberg model on system C. By studying quantum discord, we find that there is a certain degree of twist of the relation curve between quantum discord and T when Delta=0. Moreover, as an example, we discuss the quantum effect in system A, which can be responsible for the existence of the reentrant behavior in the phase diagram.
phase diagram, critical phenomena, quantum correlation, antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model, diamond type hierarchical lattices, renormalization group
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