
Mass Image Synthesis in Mammogram with Contextual Information Based on GANs

Comput Methods Programs Biomed(2021)

引用 28|浏览30
Background and Objective: In medical imaging, the scarcity of labeled lesion data has hindered the application of many deep learning algorithms. To overcome this problem, the simulation of diverse lesions in medical images is proposed. However, synthesizing labeled mass images in mammograms is still challenging due to the lack of consistent patterns in shape, margin, and contextual information. Therefore, we aim to generate various labeled medical images based on contextual information in mammograms.Methods:In this paper, we propose a novel approach based on GANs to generate various mass images and then perform contextual infilling by inserting the synthetic lesions into healthy screening mammograms. Through incorporating features of both realistic mass images and corresponding masks into the adversarial learning scheme, the generator can not only learn the distribution of the real mass images but also capture the matching shape, margin and context information.Results:To demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method, we conduct experiments on publicly available mammogram database of DDSM and a private database provided by Nanfang Hospital in China. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations validate the effectiveness of our approach. Additionally, through the data augmentation by image generation of the proposed method, an improvement of 5.03% in detection rate can be achieved over the same model trained on original real lesion images.Conclusions:The results show that the data augmentation based on our method increases the diversity of dataset. Our method can be viewed as one of the first steps toward generating labeled breast mass images for precise detection and can be extended in other medical imaging domains to solve similar problems.
medical image synthesis,generative adversarial network,mammogram,mass detection
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