
A Novel Rice Dull Gene, LowAC1, Encodes an RNA Recognition Motif Protein Affecting Waxyb Pre-Mrna Splicing.

Plant physiology and biochemistry(2021)

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A new dull grain rice mutant with low amylose content, designated lowac1, has been isolated and characterized. To identify the causal mutation site, resequencing of the whole genome and analysis of a cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) marker were performed. Genotypes using the CAPS marker of the identified LowAC1 gene encoding an RNA recognition motif (RRM) protein were entirely consistent with low amylose phenotypes in BC1F2 progeny. Moreover, the segregation of BC1F2 population indicated that the low amylose phenotype was controlled by a single recessive gene. lowac1 involves a single-nucleotide polymorphism from G to A within the gene, resulting in the stop codon generation. The RRM protein deletion in the mutant seed specifically affected the splicing efficiency of Waxyb (Wxb) in the 5' splice site of intron 1, resulting in decreased protein levels of granule-bound starch synthase I (GBSSI) encoded by Wxb. Whereas, the RRM protein did not affect amylose content in Wxa of indica variety. Also, the mutation induced a little variation in the expression levels of some genes involved in starch biosynthesis. Particularly, expression levels of SBEIIb, PUL, and AGPL2 mRNAs in lowac1 mutant were approximately two times higher compared to the corresponding wild type (WT) genes. Aside from low amylose content, lowac1 seeds included an amylopectin structure reducing short chains compared to that of WT seeds. Overall, our data suggest that LowAC1 is a novel regulatory factor for starch synthesis in rice.
Oryza sativa,Splicing factor,Waxy (Wx) gene,Amylose,Mutant,Starch synthesis
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