
Effect of Continuous and Multi-Phasic Current Profiles on the Iontophoretic Transport of Pramipexole, Rasagiline and Huperzine A: Depicting Temporal Variation and Biodistribution in the Skin.

International journal of pharmaceutics(2021)

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Transdermal iontophoresis is an interesting option for the non-invasive controlled delivery of therapeutic agents to treat neurodegenerative diseases. The current profile controls drug delivery kinetics and enables complex drug input profiles to be obtained. The aim of this study was to investigate the temporal variation in transport of pramipexole (PRA), rasagiline (RAS) and huperzine A (HUP) using continuous and multi-phasic current profiles by measuring cumulative permeation, transdermal flux and drug retention in the skin upon modulation of the applied current profile during a single experiment in vitro. Initial experiments with continuous current were conducted to establish a correlation between total delivery of PRA, RAS and HUP (i.e. sum of the cumulative permeation and skin deposition) and the amount of charge transferred. Subsequent experiments with multi-phasic current profiles, confirmed that the relationship between amounts of charge transferred and total delivery was able to predict the total delivery of each drug. Experimental values were within ± 15% of the predicted values. Current density and duration of current application were also shown to have a significant impact on the skin biodistribution of PRA. These results also provide insight into the rate of formation of iontophoretic drug reservoirs in the skin.
Iontophoresis,Transdermal delivery,Neurodegenerative disorders,Multi-phasic current profile,Pramipexole,Rasagiline,huperzine A
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