Enhanced coherence of all-nitride superconducting qubits epitaxially grown on silicon substrate


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Improving the coherence of superconducting qubits is a fundamental step towards the realization of fault-tolerant quantum computation. However, coherence times of quantum circuits made from conventional aluminum-based Josephson junctions are limited by the presence of microscopic two-level systems in the amorphous aluminum oxide tunnel barriers. Here, we have developed superconducting qubits based on NbN/AlN/NbN epitaxial Josephson junctions on silicon substrates which promise to overcome the drawbacks of qubits based on Al/AlOx/Al junctions. The all-nitride qubits have great advantages such as chemical stability against oxidation, resulting in fewer two-level fluctuators, feasibility for epitaxial tunnel barriers that reduce energy relaxation and dephasing, and a larger superconducting gap of 5.2 meV for NbN, compared to 0.3 meV for aluminum, which suppresses the excitation of quasiparticles. By replacing conventional MgO by a silicon substrate with a TiN buffer layer for epitaxial growth of nitride junctions, we demonstrate a qubit energy relaxation time T_1=16.3 s and a spin-echo dephasing time T_2=21.5 s . These significant improvements in quantum coherence are explained by the reduced dielectric loss compared to the previously reported T_1≈T_2≈ 0.5 s of NbN-based qubits on MgO substrates. These results are an important step towards constructing a new platform for superconducting quantum hardware.
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