Impact Analysis of Receiver Sensitivity and Censored Data to NLoS Channel Models in Millimeter Wave Frequency Bands

2021 IEEE 18th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC)(2021)

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Channel models based on measurement campaign are determined by detected samples whose path loss is less than the receiver sensitivity level, whereas undetected samples called censored data are not considered. This paper discusses the impact of receiver sensitivity and censored data to non-line-of-sight channel model for multiple millimeter wave frequencies to be used for 5G communications systems as well as traditionally used 2 GHz frequency. Based on a ray-tracing simulation, we derive sample loss probability and channel model parameters such as path loss and shadow fading for various receiver sensitivities. Our analysis shows that the millimeter wave frequency has more censored data than 2 GHz frequency under the same receiver sensitivity and channel models derived by only detected samples distort and underestimate the path loss and shadow fading of the millimeter wave frequency. Moreover, the shadow fading without considering the censored data does not follow a lognormal distribution.
channel model,mmWave,receiver sensitivity,censored data,NLoS
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