
In Vitro Studies of Prednisolone Loaded PLGA Nanoparticles-Surface Functionalized with Folic Acid on Glioma and Macrophage Cell Lines

̒Ulūm-i dārūyī(2020)

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Background: Glucocorticoids are employed for their anti-inflammatory effects in treatingglioma, whose cells are known to overexpress the folate receptors. Some glucocorticoids haveshown inhibitory effects, but the efficacy of prednisolone when delivered via folate receptormediateduptake, has not been attempted. The study aimed to assess the efficacy of targeteddelivery of prednisolone on glioma cell lines like C6 and U87 via the folate receptors. Methods: Targeted delivery of prednisolone was achieved by initially conjugating folic acid (FA)to the di-block copolymer of polylactic acid (PLA) – polyethylene glycol (PEG). This moietycarrying di-block copolymer was incorporated on the surface of the drug-loaded poly lactic-coglycolicacid (PLGA) nanoparticle (NP) by employing the Interfacial Activity Assisted SurfaceFunctionalization (IAASF) technique. The NPs were evaluated for size, zeta potential, and drugloading. It was characterized using particle size analyser, SEM, 1H-NMR, and XRD. cell uptake,cytotoxicity, and anti-inflammatory activities were studied for various formulations. Results: The cytotoxicity assay indicated a high cell growth inhibitory effect of drug encapsulatedNPs with FA moiety as compared to free drug and NPs without the moiety for an incubationperiod of three, five, and six days. The growth-inhibitory effect of the free drug was short-lived,whereas FA functionalized NPs showed higher uptake and sustained inhibitory effect, and werealso able to significantly control the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines like tumour necrosisfactor-alpha (TNF-α) and nitric oxide (NO). Conclusion: Uptake, attenuation of pro-inflammatory signals, and the inhibitory effect ofprednisolone on the cells were more effective when targeted with the FA moiety on the surfaceof NPs as compared to free drug and NPs without the moiety.
Folate receptor,Folic add,Glioma,PLGA nanoparticle,Prednisolone,Targeted drug delivery
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