
Design of Green Certificate Trading Mechanism Based on Double Auction

2020 IEEE 4th Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2)(2020)

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With the advancement of renewable energy power generation technology and the improvement of people's awareness of environmental protection, local governments and governments have increased market instruments and incentive policies to promote the consumption of renewable energy. The green certificate trading market based on the renewable portfolio standard is one of the strategies commonly adopted internationally. The green certificate trading market has many similarities and differences from the electricity market. How to effectively design the green certificate trading method to guide market members to make independent quotations and make green certificate purchase and sales volume decisions is very important. Therefore, this paper designs a green certificate trading market mechanism based on double auctions. First of all, with the goal of maximizing individual income, green certificate trading strategies for different types of units are established, and the optimal power generation capacity of the units and the quotation and transaction volume of green certificates are effectively solved by mathematical derivation. Second, based on the theory of double auctions and the principle of priority, a matching model of market members was established. Finally, an example is given to analyze the validity and rationality of the model proposed in this paper.
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