Roles Of Phosphate Solubilizing Microorganisms From Managing Soil Phosphorus Deficiency To Mediating Biogeochemical P Cycle


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Simple SummaryPhosphate solubilizing microorganisms (PSMs), a large microflora that mediate bioavailable soil P, play a critical role in soil by mineralizing organic P, solubilizing inorganic P minerals, and storing large amounts of P in biomass. Given that the basic soil P forms and orthophosphate levels can be mediated by PSMs, we conclude that PSMs also play a critical role in the soil P cycle. The present review summarizes the comprehensive and recent understanding about the roles of PSMs in P geochemical processes.Phosphorus (P) is a vital element in biological molecules, and one of the main limiting elements for biomass production as plant-available P represents only a small fraction of total soil P. Increasing global food demand and modern agricultural consumption of P fertilizers could lead to excessive inputs of inorganic P in intensively managed croplands, consequently rising P losses and ongoing eutrophication of surface waters. Despite phosphate solubilizing microorganisms (PSMs) are widely accepted as eco-friendly P fertilizers for increasing agricultural productivity, a comprehensive and deeper understanding of the role of PSMs in P geochemical processes for managing P deficiency has received inadequate attention. In this review, we summarize the basic P forms and their geochemical and biological cycles in soil systems, how PSMs mediate soil P biogeochemical cycles, and the metabolic and enzymatic mechanisms behind these processes. We also highlight the important roles of PSMs in the biogeochemical P cycle and provide perspectives on several environmental issues to prioritize in future PSM applications.
phosphate solubilizing microorganisms, soil P, P forms, P biogeochemical cycle
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