Smart and agile local energy systems hold the key for broader net-zero energy transitions

2021 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT)(2021)

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The UK has centered itself in the global race to mitigate the impacts of climate change with ambitious plans announced in 2019, committing to the elimination of the UK's net contribution to greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. These targets will require a transition of a historically inelastic energy system within a closing window of time. Our paper presents a whole system approach which argues that decentralized and distributed energy resources operating at grid-edge need an agile trial framework with multi-perspective and experienced stakeholders to develop balanced and well-supported network flexibility services. Incubating these new grid-edge network services require innovative market, operators and digital infrastructure, particularly at local scales. Based on preliminary findings from a UK perspective, Project LEO, we propose a framework around the restructuring of local energy systems which reduce uncertainty through an innovative 'ecosystem' that gives room to failure while minimizing risk to extract value and learnings.
energy transition,demand side response (DSR),distribution network operator (DNO),flexibility services,smart local energy system(s) (SLES)
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