Chitosan, Calcium Chloride and Low Temperature Storage (2 ̊c) Effect on Organoleptic and Bio-chemical Changes during Storage of Strawberry cv. Camarosa

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences(2020)

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The trial was conducted in the year 2017 to show the physical and biochemical properties of strawberry cv. Camarosa by the treatment of chitosan, calcium chloride and low temperature storage (2 ̊C). Biochemical properties (T. S. S., Titrable acidity, anthocyanins, antioxidant and ascorbic acid) and organoleptic score of strawberry fruits were recorded at storage temperature (2 °C) after per harvest treatment with chitosan and calcium chloride. The highest length of fruit (42.88 mm), width (30.23 mm), weight (18.30 g), volume (22.72 ml), TSS (11.10 ̊Brix) and total antioxidant capacity (21.13 µmol TE g-1 FW) was found maximum with the application of Chitosan 6 g/L + 1.00% CaCl2. The highest anthocyanin content (39.91 mg/100gm pulp) was observed with the application of Chitosan 5 g/L + 1.50% CaCl2. However, the lowest value of titrable acidity (0.64 per cent) and less PLW (6.20 per cent) were also recorded with treatment T11. In conclusion, strawberry fruits stored at 2 ̊C retained an acceptable quality for the longer storage duration of around 13 days.
chitosan,strawberry cv,low temperature storage,calcium chloride,bio-chemical
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