Análise exploratória de dados do Twitter: compreendendo as conexões da informação de saúde durante o surto da febre amarela em 2017

Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends(2020)

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This paper presents a detailed analysis of how health information was shared and discussed on Twitter in terms of awareness and opinions during the 2017 Yellow Fever outbreak in Brazil. For this, the data mining approach with exploratory graph analysis was performed. As main results, Twitter activity peaks were identified compared to peaks of cases reported in some regions of the country, an analysis of hashtags linked to the main subject and different topics from the exploratory analysis of graphs such as vaccination campaign, feelings, prevention, rumors, other diseases linked to the same transmitter, among others. This study illustrates that social networks, such as Twitter, offer unique opportunities for participatory surveillance, which can assist in monitoring some aspects of public health and offer additional data to health managers on how people interact during an outbreak.
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