
From Fresh Itabirites and Carbonates to Weathered Iron Ore: Mineral Composition, Density and Porosity of Different Fresh and Altered Rocks from the Quadrilatero Ferrifero, Brazil


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The weathering of Paleoproterozoic itabirites (metamorphic-banded iron formations) and dolomites from the Caue and Gandarela Formations in the Quadrilatero Ferrifero (QF), Brazil, produces supergene iron ore with different mineralogical, chemical, and physical properties. In this work, we present a methodology to assess the changes in chemical and physical features of those rocks during weathering, via quantitative analyses of mineral assemblages. These mineral assemblages were calculated from chemical analyses of fresh and weathered samples collected from drill holes drilled in different iron ore deposits in the QF. In general, the number of mineral species found in fresh or/and weathered itabirite is restricted, which helps the quantification of the mass and volumes of minerals by normative calculation in a large dataset of drilling and channel samples. The calculation of the bulk density takes into consideration, besides the mineral phases, the voids and free water in the altered rock matrix. This study shows that the estimated porosity in supergene ore varies from 0% to 20%, for compact materials, and from 15% to 55% for friable rocks, indicating an important process of rock matrix dissolution during the weathering of itabirites. In this process, MgO, CaO, and FeO are leached out from carbonates, talc, and amphiboles. Magnetite is oxidized to hematite, releasing Fe2+, which is oxidized and precipitates as Fe-hydroxide. There is a concentration of Fe2O3, MnO, Al2O3, and SiO2 in the supergene ore (saprolite) by residual enrichment or recrystallization of hematite, goethite, quartz, manganese oxides, and kaolinite. A calculation of weathering effects on the original protoliths allowed for the establishment of a correlation between different types of fresh itabirites and their corresponding weathered materials. The calculation was carried out in several steps, to account for changes in porosity and masses and has taken into consideration differences in the mineralogical composition of the protolith. Within the weathered zones, a strong link is observed between the existence of collapse on the topographic surface and the presence of supergene ore underneath. The partial to total dissolution of quartz and carbonates from the protolith itabirite results in very porous materials and leads to gravitational collapses.
itabirite,weathering,normative mineral calculations,iron ore,Quadril&#225,tero Ferr&#237,fero,density,porosity
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