
A Reproduction Analysis of 106 Articles Using Qualitative Comparative Analysis, 2016-2018

Ingo Rohlfing, Lea Koenigshofen, Susanne Krenzer,Jan Schwalbach, Ayjeren R. Bekmuratovna

PS, political science & politics(2021)

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Aminimum requirement for empirical research is the reproducibility of the findings reported in a publication.1 We define “reproduction” (or “reproduction analysis”) as the attempt to obtain the same results when using the original data and process them as described in the original analysis.2 A Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) study is reproducible if everything that is reported in the original article can be reproduced and if all of the results in the reproduction analysis confirm the original results.3 A study is not fully reproducible if it is not possible to reconstruct how the original findings were produced or if the original and reproduced results differ. Reproducibility of a study is a straightforward requirement for data-analysis techniques with a high degree of standardization. Interest in the reproduction of empirical research has been increasing in political science with regard to quantitative methods (Franco, Malhotra, and Simonovits 2015) and, to a lesser degree, case studies and process tracing (Monroe 2018). This article extends the reproducibility debate to empirical research using QCA (Rohlfing and Krenzer 2019). Calls for transparency have a long history in QCA and are frequently discussed (see online appendix F; for the most recent transparency discussion, see Schneider, Vis, and Koivu 2019). Transparency is necessary for reproducibility because it guarantees that all required information is available. Transparency is not sufficient because there are transparency-unrelated reasons why the results could be non-reproducible. To our knowledge, there has been no attempt to assess empirically whether published QCA results are reproducible. The standardized elements of a QCA study that can be used for such an assessment are calibration decisions4; the analysis of necessary relations and their assessment with the parameters of consistency and coverage (or other reported parameters); the generation of the truth table and its minimization to derive a solution; and its evaluation using the parameters of consistency and coverage. We performed a reproducibility assessment of 106 QCA articles with an empirical focus that are listed in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) from 2016 to 2018. The articles are in the SSCI fields of international relations, political science, public administration, and sociology (see online appendices A and C for more details). It is likely that QCA studies published in recent years are reproducible because of repeated calls for transparency in QCA research and empirical political science more generally (e.g., Elman, Kapiszewski, and Vinuela 2010; Schneider, Vis, and Koivu 2019). Our analysis was guided by the distinction among five possible outcomes of a reproduction analysis. The main distinction is between an analysis that is fully reproducible and one that is not. Within the group of reproducible studies, we distinguish among four subtypes that are defined by whether extra effort was needed to reproduce the results and, if so, whether input beyond the available information was provided by us, the authors of the original analysis, or both. We found that 28 articles could be fully reproduced in one of the four possible ways. At least one result reported in the remaining 78 articles could not be reproduced. In some cases, the central result was non-reproducible; in other cases, it was a more peripheral element of the analysis. We did not determine whether it was a central or peripheral result because we opted for a high standard and because the nature of the results are not always easy to distinguish. Five studies met the highest standard of self-contained reproducibility, which means that all data and information were publicly available and allowed us to reproduce the original results without additional input. The description of reproduction success by the elements of a QCA
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