Sarcopenia and Mortality in Patients With Chronic Non-dialytic Renal Disease: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Journal of Renal Nutrition(2022)

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Objective: To analyze the results of prospective studies on the presence of sarcopenia and its association with cardiovascular events and mortality in patients with non-dialysis-dependent chronic renal disease.Methods: This study used the PRISMA protocol for systematic review. The systematic review and meta-analysis protocol was re-corded in the prospective record of systematic reviews by PROSPERO International: CRD42019120391. Data sources: MEDLINE via PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, Scopus, Web of Science and LILACS from December 2018 to April 20, 2019, with the survey results updated in January 2021. Data analysis: Random effect models were calculated to compare the results due to high het-erogeneity identified.Results: The survey identified 951 studies. Of these, 392 were removed by duplicates and 559 references were selected for analysis. In the stage of evaluating titles and abstracts, 555 articles were excluded because they did not include inclusion criteria related to the population and study design, leaving 4 articles that were included in the systematic review and meta-analysis. A meta-analysis identified that the presence of sarcopenia increased the risk of mortality by 143%.Conclusion(s): The meta-analysis identified the influence of sarcopenia on mortality in non-dialysis-dependent chronic renal disease.(c) 2021 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
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