
Optimal Allocation of Proton Therapy Slots in Combined Proton-Photon Radiation Therapy

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics(2021)

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Purpose: Proton therapy is a limited resource that is not available to all patients who may benefit from it. We investigated combined proton-photon treatments, in which some fractions are delivered with protons and the remaining fractions with pho-tons, as an approach to maximize the benefit of limited proton therapy resources at a population level. Methods and Materials: To quantify differences in normal-tissue complication probability (NTCP) between protons and pho-tons, we considered a cohort of 45 patients with head and neck cancer for whom intensity modulated radiation therapy and intensity modulated proton therapy plans were previously created, in combination with NTCP models for xerostomia and dys-phagia considered in the Netherlands for proton patient selection. Assuming limited availability of proton slots, we developed methods to optimally assign proton fractions in combined proton-photon treatments to minimize the average NTCP on a pop-ulation level. The combined treatments were compared with patient selection strategies in which patients are assigned to sin-gle-modality proton or photon treatments. Results: There is a benefit of combined proton-photon treatments compared with patient selection, owing to the nonlinearity of NTCP functions; that is, the initial proton fractions are the most beneficial, whereas additional proton fractions have a decreasing benefit when a flatter part of the NTCP curve is reached. This effect was small for the patient cohort and NTCP models considered, but it may be larger if dose-response relationships are better known. In addition, when proton slots are limited, patient selection methods face a trade-off between leaving slots unused and blocking slots for future patients who may have a larger benefit. Combined proton-photon treatments with flexible proton slot assignment provide a method to make optimal use of all available resources. Conclusions: Combined proton-photon treatments allow for better use of limited proton therapy resources. The benefit over patient selection schemes depends on the NTCP models and the dose differences between protons and photons. (c) 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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