
Corrigendum to "synergistic Effects of Fructose and Glucose on Lipoprotein Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease in Young Adults" [metab Clin Exp 112 (2020) 154356].

Metabolism clinical and experimental(2021)

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The authors regret that the baseline BMI for one group (Fructose 17.5) was printed incorrectly in Table 1. The mean baseline BMI for the group consuming 17.5% Fructose is 25.2 ± 4.4 kg/m2 and not as printed previously 24.8 ± 4,4 kg/m2. Also, the unit for the Uric Acid AUC in Table 2 is given as μmol/Lx24-h, however the baseline data was given in ml/dL. The change data is presented as μmol/Lx24-h. The revised table with the baseline data for Uric Acid AUC in μmol/Lx24-h is provided here in (Table 1).Table 1Body weight and plasma concentrations of risk factors at baseline and adjusted difference after consuming Aspartame or sugar-sweetened beverages for two weeks.AspartameGlucose-25%HFCS-17.5%Fructose-17.5%HFCS-25%Fructose-25%Effect ofTotal variation accounted for in % [95% CI]aData were estimated from Multivariate regression model (sugar, sex) adjusted for outcome at baseline and BMI.p-ValueBody weight, kg Baseline71.8 ± 10.675.5 ± 12.869.9 ± 14.372.5 ± 1572.9 ± 14.575.7 ± 12.9 Δ−0.030.560.320.020.790.07Sugar6.55% [0.00% to 12.65%]0.090 [95% CI][−0.53 to 0.47][0.11 to 1.02][−0.28 to 0.92][−0.49 to 0.53][0.34 to 1.24][−0.38 to 0.53]Sex0.60% [0.00% to 5.43%]0.347FST non–HDL cholesterol, mmol/L Baseline2.84 ± 0.673.01 ± 0.83.07 ± 0.83.11 ± 0.762.9 ± 0.82.75 ± 0.62 Δ− [2.95% to 22.41%]0.000 [95% CI][−0.22 to 0.07][−0.08 to 0.19][0.07 to 0.42][0.04 to 0.34][0.24 to 0.51][0.09 to 0.35]Sex1.82% [0.00% to 8.20%]0.081PP non–HDL cholesterol, mmol/L Baseline2.62 ± 0.682.78 ± 0.792.92 ± 0.82.98 ± 0.712.65 ± 0.712.51 ± 0.63 Δ− [8.96% to 31.39%]<0.0001 [95% CI][−0.20 to 0.09][0.00 to 0.27][0.19 to 0.56][0.17 to 0.47][0.38 to 0.64][0.28 to 0.55]Sex4.73% [0.29% to 13.02%]0.003FST LDL cholesterol, mmol/L Baseline2.17 ± 0.62.39 ± 0.782.42 ± 0.852.39 ± 0.642.37 ± 0.712.16 ± 0.64 Δ− [4.88% to 25.54%]<0.0001 [95% CI][−0.20 to 0.11][−0.14 to 0.14][0.07 to 0.43][0.03 to 0.34][0.28 to 0.56][0.15 to 0.43]Sex0.6% [0% to 6.87%]0.150PP LDL cholesterol, mmol/L Baseline80 ± 2286 ± 2989 ± 2890 ± 2286 ± 2680 ± 23 Δ0.000.100.310.220.500.27Sugar16.58% [4.58% to 25.15%]<0.0001 [95% CI][−5.49 to 5.85][−1.24 to 9.07][4.72 to 18.89][2.51 to 14.15][14.35 to 24.61][5.15 to 15.51]Sex3.16% [0.00% to 10.65%]0.017FST apoB, mg/dL Baseline65 ± 1773 ± 2469 ± 2273 ± 2370 ± 1964 ± 14 Δ− [1.9% to 20.2%]0.0001 [95% CI][−4.18 to 3.52][−2.04 to 4.96][−0.10 to 9.15][0.32 to 8.21][6.98 to 13.93][3.35 to 10.38]Sex2.7% [0.0% to 9.8%]0.030PP apoB, mg/dL Baseline62 ± 1769 ± 2466 ± 2072 ± 1965 ± 1861 ± 15 Δ−1.212.977.774.911.898.07Sugar16.04% [4.20% to 24.50%]<0.0001 [95% CI][−5.09 to 2.67][−0.56 to 6.49][2.95 to 12.58][0.90 to 8.89][8.38 to 15.39][4.53 to 11.61]Sex4.80% [0.30% to 13.00%]0.004FST apoCIII, mg/dL Baseline7.3 ± 2.57.9 ± 2.08.1 ± 1.98.2 ± 2.18.2 ± 2.77.4 ± 1.9 Δ−0.050.630.530.770.630.55Sugar4.33% [0.00% to 9.22%]0.270 [95% CI][−0.56 to 0.45][0.18 to 1.09][−0.07 to 1.13][0.26 to 1.29][0.18 to 1.09][0.10 to 1.01]Sex4.80% [0.33% to 13.05%]0.008PP apoCIII, mg/dL Baseline6.7 ± 3.07.4 ± 2.27.5 ± 2.17.6 ± 1.97.4 ± 2.57 ± 1.9 Δ− [4.90% to 25.33%]<0.0001 [95% CI][−0.63 to 0.39][0.23 to 1.16][0.56 to 1.82][1.14 to 2.19][0.61 to 1.54][0.86 to 1.79]Sex2.13% [0.00% to 8.79%]0.05624-h AUC uric acid, μmol/Lx24-h Baseline6186 ± 14286424 ± 15476008 ± 11906305 ± 12496067 ± 16066067 ± 1368 Δ−184.4348.6399.1854.8822.71142.7Sugar36.84% [22.47% to 45.61%]<0.0001 [95% CI][−416 to 48][137 to 559][113 to 690][619 to 1095][613 to 1035][934 to 1356]Sex2.92% [0.00% to 10.17%]0.0124-h AUC triglyceride mmol/Lx24-h Baseline29.4 ± 17.931.8 ± 16.429.7 ± 11.335.9 ± 14.532.2 ± 14.729.3 ± 11.6 Δ−1.112.622.965.823.575.65Sugar12.40% [1.86% to 20.31%]0.001 [95% CI][−3.57 to 1.36][0.37 to 4.86][−0.10 to 6.02][3.28 to 8.37][1.33 to 5.80][3.40 to 7.90]Sex0.98% [0.00% to 6.45%]0.196∆ - Adjusted difference in means from a multivariate regression model (sugar, sex) adjusted for outcome at baseline and BMI.FST – fasting; PP – postprandial; Baseline data is presented as mean ± SD.Conversion factors: To convert triglyceride to mg/dL, divide by 0.0113; cholesterol to ml/dL, divide by 0.0295; uric acid to ml/dL divide by 59.485.a Data were estimated from Multivariate regression model (sugar, sex) adjusted for outcome at baseline and BMI. Open table in a new tab ∆ - Adjusted difference in means from a multivariate regression model (sugar, sex) adjusted for outcome at baseline and BMI. FST – fasting; PP – postprandial; Baseline data is presented as mean ± SD. Conversion factors: To convert triglyceride to mg/dL, divide by 0.0113; cholesterol to ml/dL, divide by 0.0295; uric acid to ml/dL divide by 59.485. The authors regret these errors, however, neither outcomes nor conclusions drawn in the article were affected by these mistakes. Synergistic effects of fructose and glucose on lipoprotein risk factors for cardiovascular disease in young adultsMetabolism - Clinical and ExperimentalVol. 112PreviewFructose consumption increases risk factors for cardiometabolic disease. It is assumed that the effects of free sugars on risk factors are less potent because they contain less fructose. We compared the effects of consuming fructose, glucose or their combination, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), on cardiometabolic risk factors. 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Fructose,Glucose Metabolism,Dietary Sugars,Low-Carbohydrate Diet
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