
Direct Measurement of Pregnanediol 3-Glucuronide (PDG) in Dried Urine Spots by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry to Detect Ovulation

David J. Handelsman, Rama Nimmagadda,Reena Desai, Timothy D. Handelsman, Belinda Whittle,Karolina Skorupskaite,Richard A. Anderson

Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology(2021)

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Background: Non-invasive self-testing using an objective chemical method to detect ovulation is valuable for women planning conception, practising contraception or undergoing infertility investigations or treatment. Methods: Based on luteal phase secretion of progesterone (P4) and excretion of its major metabolite, pregnanediol glucuronide (PDG), we developed a novel direct liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LCMS) method to measure PDG and other steroid glucuronides in urine and in dried urine spots (DUS) without deconjugation or derivatization. Urine PDG by LCMS and immunoassay (P3G) and P4 by immunoassay with and without adjustment for creatinine were evaluated in daily first void urine samples from 10 women through a single menstrual cycle in which ovulation was confirmed by serial transvaginal ultrasound. Results: Urine PDG with and without creatinine adjustment was stable during the follicular phase with the expected striking rise in the luteal phase peaking at 5 days after ovulation. Using a single spot urine sample (100 mu L) or a DUS (<20 mu L urine) and an optimal threshold to distinguish pre- from post-ovulatory samples, in ROC analysis urine PDG adjusted for creatinine accurately identified ovulation in 92 % of samples was comparable with P3G immunoassay and superior to urine P4 with or without adjustment for creatinine. Extending the analysis to two or three consecutive daily samples reduced the false negative rate from 8% to 2.6 % for two and 1.9 % for three urine samples. Conclusions: This method holds promise as a non-invasive self-test method for women to determine by an objective chemical method their ovulatory status.
Ovulation,Pregnanediol glucuronide,Fertility,Human,Female,Urine
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