A Feature Adaptive Learning Method for High-Density sEMG-Based Gesture Recognition.

Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol.(2021)

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Surface electromyography (sEMG) array based gesture recognition, which is widely-used, could provide natural surfaces for human-computer interaction. Currently, most existing gesture recognition methods with sEMG array only work with the fixed and pre-defined electrodes configuration. However, changes in the number of electrodes (i.e., increment or decrement) is common in real scenarios due to the variability of physiological electrodes. In this paper, we study this challenging problem and propose a random forest based ensemble learning method, namely feature incremental and decremental ensemble learning (FIDE). FIDE is able to support continuous changes in the number of electrodes by dynamically maintaining the matrix sketches of every sEMG electrode and spatial structure of sEMG array. To evaluate the performance of FIDE, we conduct extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets, including NinaPro, CSL-hdemg, and CapgMyo. Experimental results demonstrate that FIDE outperforms other state-of-the-art methods and has the potential to adapt to the evolution of electrodes in the changing environments. Moreover, based on FIDE, we implement a multi clients/server collaboration system, namely McS, to support feature adaption in real-world environment. By collecting sEMG using two clients (smartphone and personal computer) and adaptively recognizing gestures in the cloud server, FIDE significantly improves the gesture recognition accuracy in electrode increment and decrement circumstances.
Ensemble Learning,Feature Increment and Decrement,Gesture Recognition,High-Density,Surface Electromyography (sEMG)
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