Small Subpopulations Of Beta-Cells Do Not Drive Islet Oscillatory [Ca2+] Dynamics Via Gap Junction Communication


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The islets of Langerhans exist as multicellular networks that regulate blood glucose levels. The majority of cells in the islet are excitable, insulin-producing beta-cells that are electrically coupled via gap junction channels. beta-cells are known to display heterogeneous functionality. However, due to gap junction coupling, beta-cells show coordinated [Ca2+] oscillations when stimulated with glucose, and global quiescence when unstimulated. Small subpopulations of highly functional beta-cells have been suggested to control [Ca2+] dynamics across the islet. When these populations were targeted by optogenetic silencing or photoablation, [Ca2+] dynamics across the islet were largely disrupted. In this study, we investigated the theoretical basis of these experiments and how small populations can disproportionality control islet [Ca2+] dynamics. Using a multicellular islet model, we generated normal, skewed or bimodal distributions of beta-cell heterogeneity. We examined how islet [Ca2+] dynamics were disrupted when cells were targeted via hyperpolarization or populations were removed; to mimic optogenetic silencing or photoablation, respectively. Targeted cell populations were chosen based on characteristics linked to functional subpopulation, including metabolic rate of glucose oxidation or [Ca2+] oscillation frequency. Islets were susceptible to marked suppression of [Ca2+] when similar to 10% of cells with high metabolic activity were hyperpolarized; where hyperpolarizing cells with normal metabolic activity had little effect. However, when highly metabolic cells were removed from the model, [Ca2+] oscillations remained. Similarly, when similar to 10% of cells with either the highest frequency or earliest elevations in [Ca2+] were removed from the islet, the [Ca2+] oscillation frequency remained largely unchanged. Overall, these results indicate small populations of beta-cells with either increased metabolic activity or increased frequency are unable to disproportionately control islet-wide [Ca2+] via gap junction coupling. Therefore, we need to reconsider the physiological basis for such small beta-cell populations or the mechanism by which they may be acting to control normal islet function.Author summaryMany biological systems can be studied using network theory. How heterogeneous cell subpopulations come together to create complex multicellular behavior is of great value in understanding function and dysfunction in tissues. The pancreatic islet of Langerhans is a highly coupled structure that is important for maintaining blood glucose homeostasis. beta-cell electrical activity is coordinated via gap junction communication. The function of the insulin-producing beta-cell within the islet is disrupted in diabetes. As such, to understand the causes of islet dysfunction we need to understand how different cells within the islet contribute to its overall function via gap junction coupling. Using a computational model of beta-cell electrophysiology, we investigated how small highly functional beta-cell populations within the islet contribute to its function. We found that when small populations with greater functionality were introduced into the islet, they displayed signatures of this enhanced functionality. However, when these cells were removed, the islet, retained near-normal function. Thus, in a highly coupled system, such as an islet, the heterogeneity of cells allows small subpopulations to be dispensable, and thus their absence is unable to disrupt the larger cellular network. These findings can be applied to other electrical systems that have heterogeneous cell populations.
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