Determinants of the intention to participate in a programme of plasma donation for fractionation among men who have sex with men


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Background and objectives Several approaches are currently under study to contribute to efforts to allow men who have sex with men (MSM) to donate blood. One of these approaches involves implementing a programme of plasma donation for fractionation, with a quarantine period. The goal of this article is to identify the determinants of intention to participate in the plasma donation programme among MSM in Montreal, Canada. Materials and methods Based on the theory of planned behaviour, a questionnaire was developed to measure MSM's intention to donate plasma and identify influencing factors. A multiple linear regression analysis was conducted to identify the determinants of intention to donate plasma. Results Respondents' (N = 933) intention to donate plasma in the next six months was moderate. The multiple linear regression model explained 55% (P < 0 center dot 001) of the variation of intention. Intention was predicted by attitudes (beta = 0 center dot 34, P < 0 center dot 001), perceived behavioural control (beta = 0 center dot 28, P < 0 center dot 001), aged under 35 years (beta = 0 center dot 26, P < 0 center dot 001), history of blood donation (beta = 0 center dot 24, P < 0 center dot 001), subjective norm (beta = 0 center dot 21, P < 0 center dot 001), income above $40,000 (beta = 0 center dot 20, P < 0 center dot 001), moral norm (beta = 0 center dot 18, P < 0 center dot 001) and higher level of involvement in various issues LGBTQ+ communities are fighting for (beta = 0 center dot 09, P < 0 center dot 001). Conclusion Our analyses show that intention to donate plasma within the proposed programme is associated with personal, social and structural factors, but more strongly predicted by factors related to the theory of planned behaviour. Our results also highlight the importance of involving MSM; community acceptability of the plasma donation programme would probably be higher if MSM felt respected and party to the decisions.
plasma fractionation, apheresis donation, donors, donor motivation
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