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Strong Solutions of Stochastic Differential Equations with Generalized Drift and Multidimensional Fractional Brownian Initial Noise

Journal of Theoretical Probability(2021)

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In this paper, we prove the existence of strong solutions to an stochastic differential equation with a generalized drift driven by a multidimensional fractional Brownian motion for small Hurst parameters H<1/2. Here, the generalized drift is given as the local time of the unknown solution process, which can be considered an extension of the concept of a skew Brownian motion to the case of fractional Brownian motion. Our approach for the construction of strong solutions is new and relies on techniques from Malliavin calculus combined with a “local time variational calculus” argument.
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Stochastic differential equations, Compactness criterion, Generalized drift, Malliavin calculus, Reflected Stochastic differential equations, 60H07, 60H10, 60H50
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