
Performance, carcass characteristics and economics of production of broilers fed diets containing Gliricidia sepium leaf meal as replacement for soya bean meal

Nigerian Journal of Animal Production(2020)

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This study was conducted to assess the growth performance, carcass traits and economics of production of broiler fed soya bean replaced with gliricidia sepium leaf meal diet. One hundred, 4 weeks old broiler chickens were randomly distributed to five treatments of two replicates with t10 birds per replicate. The birds were fed trial diets containing 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40% levels of soya bean replaced with G. sepium leaf meal for five weeks. Parameters measured included weight gain, weight of feed consumed, feed gain ratio, price per kg of feed, price per kg of broiler and weights of carcass parts among others. Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance. Results showed that weight gain were not significantly influenced (P>0.05) by the dietary treatments. Feeding trial exerted effects on feed intake however, feed gain ratio and feed efficiency were not significantly different (P>0.05). No significant difference (P>0.05) was observed in thigh, wing and breast muscle weights of the birds fed G. sepium meal substituted diet however, liver weight was significantly affected by the diet. Price/kg of feed reduced with increased G. sepium in the diets but the cost per/kg animal produced was not significantly affected (P>0.05). It could therefore be suggested that soya bean meal could be replaced with G. sepium leaf meal up to 40% level without adverse effect on performance and weights of major primal parts of the bird. This will also reduce the cost of feed and competition for soya beans between man and livestock industry.
gliricidia sepium leaf meal,soya bean meal,broilers,diets,carcass characteristics
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