Extensive Review of Cloud Based Internet of Things Architecture and Current Trends

2021 6th International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT)(2021)

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IoT is a future network model and a vision where the heterogeneous devices become smarter. The embedded devices interact with remote objects through Internet or Near-field Communication (NFC). A typical architecture consists of the devices communicating to the cloud using gateways. The IoT framework used in a number of applications, enterprises, and business processes is in general more complex to describe. There are many survey papers in which the authors have described the architecture framework based on various parameters like state of art IoT platforms, IoT standards like P2413, EPC Global, fractal theory, fog computing, Global IoT, Local IoT, three tier framework, four tire framework, five tire framework and many more. The traditional IoT architectures need to be revised in order to meet future challenges also. Hence This paper provides a comprehensive study about the recent IoT application architectures and how one standard IoT reference architecture can play a role model for the evaluation of different IoT solutions.
Internet-of-Things,IoT World Forum (IoTWF)
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