
The Late-Quaternary Deposits of the Piedra Buena Terrace (patagonian Continental Slope, SW Atlantic): an Example of Interaction Between Bottom Currents and Seafloor Morphology

Marine geology(2021)

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The Piedra Buena Terrace (PBT), situated in the Patagonian continental slope, is swept by the vigorous flow of Antarctic-sourced bottom water masses, and intersected by a considerable submarine canyon system. It thus represents a world-class natural laboratory to investigate the sedimentary dynamics of deep-ocean settings influenced by both, along-slope, and down-slope sedimentary processes. In the framework of the Pampa Azul project, the PBT was surveyed with swath bathymetry and a high-resolution parametric sub-bottom seismic profiler and sampled at several locations with a 7 m long gravity corer. Through the integration of the acoustic data, grain size results from a sediment core and two AMS C-14 ages this work attempts to: (1) describe for the first time the detailed geomorphology of a poorly known region of the Patagonian continental slope; (2) depict the principal sub-surface seismic units, illustrating their internal structure, geometry, and distribution; (3) establish a correlation between sub-surface seismic facies and sediment deposits using the first age constraints for this region; (4) propose a model with the depositional history of the PBT, focusing on the interaction between alongslope and down-slope processes and seafloor morphology. The acquired bathymetric data imaged with unprecedent detail the geomorphology of the southern part of the PBT revealing the presence of a field of kilometricsized, sub-circular, crater-like depressions, and a submarine canyon. The analyzed seismic sub-bottom profiles showed that the shallow sedimentary structure of the study area is represented by patchy-mounded deposits characterized by three distinctive features: cyclic stacks of two seismic facies (FA and FB), mounded shape, and preferential location northwards the morphological depressions and the submarine canyon. Integration of a seismic sub-bottom profile with one sediment core indicates that the alternation of seismic facies reflects variations in the hydrodynamic conditions. FA is related to a high to moderate energy medium with input of terrigenous material and FB is related to a low energy environment with a limited contribution of sediments from the continent. The patchy distribution, mounded shape and preferential location are associated with hydrodynamic processes occurring between the geomorphological features and the north-flowing Antarctic bottom currents, which result in the deposition of mounded contourites in the northern flank of depressions and hybrid along-slope down-slope deposits northwards a submarine canyon. The C-14 ages constrain the chronological framework of these sediments to the Late-Pleistocene. This is in contrast with previous investigations that have suggested much older ages (Late Miocene) for the sub-surface sediments of PBT. Finally, a conceptual model is here proposed to illustrate the Late Quaternary sediment depositional history of the PBT where the interaction between north-flowing bottom contouritic currents and seafloor relief played an important role in the deposition and preservation of sediments in this area.
Multi-beam bathymetry,Seismic interpretation,Mixed Systems,Argentinian Continental Margin,Western South Atlantic
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