
Sensitivity of the Active Neutron Coincidence Collar Response During Simulated and Experimental Fresh Fuel Assay

D. P. Broughton, M. S. Grund, G. Renha Jr,S. Croft,A. Favalli

Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment/Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment(2021)

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Verification of the fissile (and fertile) content in fresh nuclear fuel assemblies is conducted by the IAEA to enforce the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty using the UNCL (Uranium Neutron Collar - Light Water Reactor Fuel). The UNCL uses an uncorrelated AmLi neutron source to interrogate the fuel, producing a signal of coincident fission neutrons (Doubles rate) used to assay(235U) content of the fuel. The cost of producing calibration assemblies and limited availability of diverse commercial assemblies at any one time historically restricted the ability to explore the full parameter space experimentally. Monte Carlo simulations can overcome this, but introduce additional sources of uncertainty. Here the sensitivity of simulations and measurements to various parameters is assessed for a reference 16x16 PWR assembly of uniform 3.2% enrichment. Uncertainty contributions in this evaluation include: simulated AmLi neutron source spectrum, AmLi neutron emission rate, AmLi anisotropicity, high density polyethylene (HDPE) density, the precise position of the fuel assembly within the detector, and experimentally the statistical uncertainty. The overall total systematic uncertainty estimate for the simulation of the absolute/relative Doubles rates responses are estimated to be approximately 2.0%/1.5%, and for experimental measurements systematic uncertainty reduces to 1.1%. This analysis supports further work using the relative Doubles rates in place of measurements for updating and extending the UNCL analysis methodology as systematic uncertainty is reasonably small.
Safeguards,AmLi,Fresh fuel verification,Neutron collar,UNCL
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