
Influence of Phosphorus Fertilization on Productivity and Biological Sustainability of Chickpea (cicer Arietinum) + Coriander (coriandrum Sativum) Intercropping System

Indian Journal of Agronomy(2001)

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A field experiment was conducted during winter (rabi) season of 201213 and 201314 at Norman E. Borlaug Crop Research Centre, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, to assess the productivity and competing ability of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) and coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) under different row ratios of intercropping and phos- phorus management. Both the component crops, gave significantly higher seed yield in sole cropping compared to intercropping systems. Chickpea + coriander (4 : 2) (3.71 t/ha), being at par with chickpea + coriander (3 : 1) (3.40 t/ha), recorded significantly higher chickpea-equivalent yield than that of sole cropping. Land-equivalent ratio (1.32) and production efficiency (27.49 kg/ha/day) were significantly higher in chickpea + coriander (4 : 2) than rest of the systems. Relative crowding coefficient (RCC) and agressivity (A) did not show influence of intercrop- ping systems. Competition ratio (CR) of chickpea reduced significantly in chickpea + coriander (4 : 2) than chickpea + coriander (3 : 1). Sole chickpea revealed significantly higher phosphorus uptake by grains over sole coriander but at par with rest of the systems. Higher net returns (120.59 103 /ha) was recorded in chickpea + coriander (4 : 2) over sole chickpea and sole coriander. Chickpea + coriander (4 : 2), being at par with sole corian- der, recorded significantly higher benefit: cost ratio (3.42). Phosphorus levels resulted in significantly higher chickpea-equivalent yields, LER, RCC, production efficiency and phosphorus uptake by grains than that of the control, but differences between the phosphorus levels were non-significant on these aspects. Competition ratio followed reverse trend and significantly lower competition ratio was observed at higher dose of phosphorus but dif- ference amongst the phosphorus levels was not significant. However, higher benefit: cost ratio was observed owing to 30 kg P O + phosphate-solubilizing bacteria/ha (2.65). 2 5
Crop Yield Stability,Crop Diversity,Agricultural Productivity
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