Thermal Energy Storage Phase Change Material Cement Mortar Incorporated With Clinical Waste Composites


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Clinical wastes generated from hospitals and other health care institutions have increased globally, partly because of COVID-19 pandemic. Appropriate handling and disposal of this wastes is important because of their impact on human and environment. One approach is the use this wastes as composite fillers in phase change material (PCM) added into concrete and mortars used in built sector. This study investigates silicon catheter waste (SCW) and latex glove waste (LGW) as fillers mix with PCM cement mortar and evaluates the thermal performance. To determine a viable inclusion method for the cement mortar varying weight (2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10.0)% of PCM mixed with SCW and LGW were used as replacement of the composite aggregates. Characterization of the encapsulate PCM cement mortar and thermal analysis under elevated temperatures, compressive strength test, water absorption, porosity, and density was conducted. The microstructural analysis and thermal behavior of the modified specimens after 28 days was tested under dynamic ambient condition. From the result the quality of the cement mortar reduced from excellent to poor as the loading concentration increased from 0 to 10%. The addition of the PCM SCW and PCM LGW to the cement mortar reduced the compressive strength by 38% and 40%, respectively. The density value reduced by 3.2% and 6.8% under elevated temperature and the water absorption increased by 56% and 39%. The morphology of PCM cement mortar mixed with SCW and LGW showed less void spaces with increased homogenous formation. No thermal decomposition was observed in the PCM cement mortar with the addition of the SCW and LGW at elevated temperatures. The SCW and LGW fillers increased the thermal conductivity of the PCM mortar by 14% and 18%, and prolonged the surface temperature by 5 hours by an average of 5 degrees C and 7 degrees C, respectively. In addition, the SCW and LGW fillers mixed with PCM cement mortar was found to enhance the thermal performance by 65% compared with the typical cement mortar. There are huge potential on their application in building and construction industry.HighlightsFabrication of PCM cement mortar filled with silicon catheter and latex gloves wastes with varying percentage weight concentration for thermal application.Investigation on thermal energy storage capability of PCM cement mortar filled with clinical wastes under varying experimental and operating conditions.Recommendation on the thermal behavior performance of PCM cement mortar filled with silicon catheter and latex gloves wastes for thermal applications.
clinical waste, compressive stress, phase change material, solar radiation, thermal energy storage
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