
Passive RFID Module with LSTM Recurrent Neural Network Activity Classification Algorithm for Ambient-Assisted Living

IEEE internet of things journal(2021)

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Human activity recognition from sensor data is a critical research topic to achieve remote health monitoring and ambient-assisted living (AAL). In AAL, sensors are integrated into conventional objects aimed to support targets capabilities through digital environments that are sensitive, responsive, and adaptive to human activities. Emerging technological paradigms to support AAL within the home or community setting offers people the prospect of a more individually focused care and improved quality of living. In the present work, an ambient human activity classification framework that augments information from the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) of passive RFID tags to obtain detailed activity profiling is proposed. Key indices of position, orientation, mobility, and degree of activities which are critical to guide reliable clinical management decisions using four volunteers are employed to simulate the research objective. A two-layer, fully connected sequence long short-term memory recurrent neural network model (LSTM RNN) is employed. The LSTM RNN model extracts the feature of RSS from the sensor data and classifies the sampled activities using SoftMax. The performance of the LSTM model is evaluated for different data size and the hyperparameters of the RNN are adjusted to optimal states, which results in an accuracy of 98.18%. The proposed framework suits well for smart health and smart homes which offers a pervasive sensing environment for the elderly, persons with disability and chronic illness.
Computational modeling,Computer architecture,Data models,Computational complexity,Senior citizens,Recurrent neural networks,Sensors,Activity recognition,ambient-assisted living (AAL),long short-term memory (LSTM),recurrent neural network (RNN),RFID,smart homes
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