
Evaluation of Different Antigenic Preparations Against Necrotic Enteritis in Broiler Birds Using a Novel Clostridium Perfringens Type G Strain


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OBJECTIVE:Keeping in view, the constraints faced by the Indian broiler industry with lack of a suitable vaccine against Necrotic Enteritis (NE), a study has been proposed to explore the prevalence and detail characterization of C. perfringens type G in NE suspected broiler chicken in the process of suitable vaccine development.METHODS:Intestinal scrapings/faecal contents of NE suspected broiler chickens were screened to establish the prevalence of C.perfringens type G in broiler birds. A most pathogenic, highly resistant type G isolate of C. perfringens, bearing both tpeL and gapC gene was selected for preparation of three different vaccine formulations, and to evaluate their immunogenic potential in broiler birds.RESULTS:Screening of clinical samples of NE suspected broiler birds revealed C. perfringens type G, bearing gapC gene in 51.22% samples, of which 47.62% revealed tpeL gene. Seven of the tpeLpos type G isolates were comparatively more pathogenic for mice, of which, one exhibited multidrug resistance towards ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, tetracycline and levofloxacin. The sonicated supernatant (SS) prepared from the selected tpeL and gapC positive isolate could maintain a significantly higher protective IgG response than toxoid and bacterin preparation from the 21st to 28thday of age in immunized birds.CONCLUSION:The additional TpeL toxin in C. perfringens type G has been proved to be an additional key biological factor in the pathogenesis of NE in broiler chickens. Considering the release of more immunogenic proteins, the SS proved to be a better immunogenic preparation against NE with a multiple immunization dose.
Necrotic enteritis,Clostridium perfringens type G,netB,tpeL,gapC, toxoid,Bacterin,Sonicated supernatant
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