User Perceptions and Adoption of Plug Load Management Systems in the Workplace

Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems(2021)

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BSTRACT Smart energy management systems incorporate advanced sensing and control technologies that enable users to monitor and reduce their energy consumption through interactive visualisations and automated control features. Plug load management systems (PLMS), in particular, are applications of such systems targeting electrical devices found in homes and workplaces. While past studies have mostly focused on PLMS adoption in homes, past literature indicates several key differences in user motivation as office users typically do not bear the cost of their consumption. This reduces their motivation to embrace such systems, resulting in low adoption rates. In our research, we examined user perception of adopting PLMS in the workplace through a series of focus group discussions and an online survey guided by findings from the focus group discussions. By analysing the quantitative and qualitative responses from 101 participants, we identified six design implications to guide the development of future PLMS in the workplace.
Smart Energy Management Systems, Office Workplace, Office Equipment, Plug Loads
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