
Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Matter Source Affects Disinfection By-Product Formation During Water Treatment and Subsequent Toxicity.

Environmental pollution(2021)

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Restoring woody vegetation to riparian zones helps to protect waterways from excessive sediment and nutrient inputs. However, the associated leaf litter can be a major source of dissolved organic matter (DOM) leached into surface waters. DOM can lead to the formation of disinfection by-products (DBPs) during drinking water treatment. This study investigated the DBPs formed during chlorination of DOM leached from leaf litter and assessed the potential toxicity of DBPs generated. We compared the leachate of two native Australian riparian trees, Casuarina cunninghamiana and Eucalyptus tereticornis, and a reservoir water source from a catchment dominated by Eucalyptus species. Leachates were diluted to dissolved organic carbon concentrations equivalent to the reservoir (similar to 9 mg L-1). E. tereticornis leachates produced more trihalomethanes (THMs), haloacetic acids (HAAs), and haloketones after chlorination, while C. cunninghamiana produced more chloral hydrate and haloacetonitriles. Leachate from both species produced less THMs and more HAAs per mole of carbon than reservoir water. This may be because reservoir water had more aromatic, humic characteristics while leaf leachates had relatively more protein-like components. Using in vitro bioassays to test the mixture effects of all chemicals, chlorinated E. tereticornis leachate induced oxidative stress in HepG2 liver cells and bacterial toxicity more frequently and at lower concentrations than C. cunninghamiana and reservoir water. Overall, this study has shown that the DOM leached from litter of these species has the potential to generate DBPs and each species has a unique DBP profile with differing bioassay responses. E. tereticornis may pose a relatively greater risk to drinking water than C. cunninghamiana as it showed greater toxicity in bioassays. This implies tree species should be considered when planning riparian zones to ensure the benefits of vegetation to waterways are not offset by unintended increased DBP production and associated toxicity following chlorination at downstream drinking water intakes.
Catchment restoration,Dissolved organic matter,Bioassays,Formation potential,Haloacetic acids,Trihalomethanes
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