Encoders and Ensembles for Task-Free Continual Learning


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We present an architecture that is effective for continual learning in an especially demanding setting, where task boundaries do not exist or are unknown. Our architecture comprises an encoder, pre-trained on a separate dataset, and an ensemble of simple one-layer classifiers. Two main innovations are required to make this combination work. First, the provision of suitably generic pre-trained encoders has been made possible thanks to recent progress in self-supervised training methods. Second, pairing each classifier in the ensemble with a key, where the key-space is identical to the latent space of the encoder, allows them to be used collectively, yet selectively, via k-nearest neighbour lookup. We show that models trained with the encoders-and-ensembles architecture are state-of-the-art for the task-free setting on standard image classification continual learning benchmarks, and improve on prior state-of-the-art by a large margin in the most challenging cases. We also show that the architecture learns well in a fully incremental setting, where one class is learned at a time, and we demonstrate its effectiveness in this setting with up to 100 classes. Finally, we show that the architecture works in a task-free continual learning context where the data distribution changes gradually, and existing approaches requiring knowledge of task boundaries cannot be applied.
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