Calculations Of The Single-Scattering Properties Of Non-Spherical Ice Crystals: Toward Physically Consistent Cloud Microphysics And Radiation


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The impacts of ice clouds on the energy budget of the Earth and their representation in climate models have been identified as important and unsolved problems. Ice clouds consist almost exclusively of non-spherical ice crystals with various shapes and sizes. To determine the influences of ice clouds on solar and infrared radiation as required for remote sensing retrievals and numerical models, knowledge of scattering and microphysical properties of ice crystals is required. A conventional method for representing the radiative properties of ice clouds in satellite retrieval algorithms and numerical models is to combine measured microphysical properties of ice crystals from field campaigns and pre-calculated single-scattering libraries of different shapes and sizes of ice crystals, which depend heavily on microphysical and scattering properties of ice crystals. However, large discrepancies between theoretical calculations and observations of the radiative properties of ice clouds have been reported. Electron microscopy images of ice crystals grown in laboratories and captured by balloons show varying degrees of complex morphologies in sub-micron (e.g., surface roughness) and super-micron (e.g., inhomogeneous internal and external structures) scales that may cause these discrepancies. In this study, the current idealized models representing morphologies of ice crystals and the corresponding numerical methods (e.g., geometric optics, discrete dipole approximation, T-matrix, etc.) to calculate the single-scattering properties of ice crystals are reviewed. Current problems and difficulties in the calculations of the single-scattering properties of atmospheric ice crystals are addressed in terms of cloud microphysics. Future directions to develop physically consistent ice-crystal models are also discussed.
Light scattering, microphysics, nonspherical ice crystals, discrete dipole approximation, geometric optics method
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