
Medicinal Potentials of Ocimum gratissimum Linn Leaf Extract against Lead Acetate Disruptions in Rat Hippocampus and Electrolyte Concentration

Journal of Advances in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences(2021)

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The present study determined the effect of Ocimum gratissimun Linn. leaves aqueous extract on lead-acetate alterations in the hippocampus and serum biochemical concentration of sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) ions in animal models. Twenty male and female albino rats weighing around 155 g were randomly distributed to four groups, (n=5 each). Group A served as control, B received 500 mg/kg body weight of O. gratissimum leaf extract, C was administered 150 mg/kg of lead acetate, and group D was given both lead acetate and the named leaf extract at doses of 150 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg respectively. Treatments were given once daily via gavage and lasted 15 days while the animals had access to feed and water ad libitum. The rats were euthanized on the 16th day by cervical dislocation; the cranial cavity was carefully exposed and the brain dissected to excise tissue specimens from the hippocampus for histological studies. Blood samples were also collected through cardiac puncture and then centrifuged to obtain serum used for the biochemical parameter. The one-way Analysis of Variance was the statistical tool used to evaluate the differences in concentration of the electrolytes, and data was expressed as means ± SD, while P< 0.05 was taken as a significant value. The results showed the extract to have a mitigating effect by alleviating lead-acetate induced histopathological distortions of the hippocampal pyramidal neurons and by counteracting the neurochemical alterations in brain electrolyte ion. The findings of this research therefore indicate that the leaf aqueous extract of O. gratissimum has anti-toxic properties and may therefore be explored by pharmaceuticals in search of alternative treatment for lead poisoning.
leaf extract,medicinal potentials,gratissimum hippocampus
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