Epidemiology Of Hypertension In North India: A Comprehensive Study Of Anthropometric, Demographic And Socio-Economic Factors Affecting Hypertensive Patients


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Objective: To find out relation & effect of various anthropometric, demographic and socio-economic factors influencing blood pressure.Design and method: 800 secondary hypertensives (18–60 years) from Medicine OPD, KGMU, Lucknow were studied for anthropometric measurements, 3 readings of blood pressure were taken in each arm (right and left) from OMRON HEM CR-24 BP monitor and average was calculated. Patients with Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) greater than or equal to one hundred and forty mm Hg, Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP) greater than or equal to 90 mmHg were enrolled. A sociodemographic, medical history proforma and Goldberg questionnaire (for depression) was filled. Place of residence (low/high population density), village/city, colony/individual house/apartment/multi storeyed building, park nearby/not, living with family/alone, vegetarian/ not, meal timings, alcohol & or tobacco intake, physical activity, meditation/yoga, office hours, self- driving/not, marital status, time spent on social media, exposure to artificial light, online gaming, frequency of fasting, pets, leisure hours,per month income, medical history, duration and quality of sleep was recorded. Results: 65 % hypertensive males, hypertensive females 35% 96.6 % (773 out of 800) of the secondary hypertensives were found to be living with their families and only 27 patients were living alone. 60 % of 800 secondary hypertensives that is 300 patients were found to living in a joint family set up whereas40 percent were living only with their immediate family. All respondents were married, 23% were widowed. Age > 46 years for males > 52.4 years for females BMI > 21.3 for males and > 26.4 for females Male gender showed a predilection < 5 hrs / week of physical activity (walking) Living in individual houses Education level (less than class 10) were significantly associated with hypertension. Conclusions: Hypertension is significantly associated with the above mentioned socioeconomic factors.
demographic, socioeconomic factors, epidemiology
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