
Effects of Superabsorbent Polymer A200 on Soil Characteristics and Rainfed Winter Wheat Growth (triticum Aestivum L.)

Arabian journal of geosciences(2021)

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This study was established to assess the effects of application of superabsorbent polymer A200 on soil water absorbance in rainfed wheat cultivation. For this reason, four sub-treatments of SAP-A200 (0, 500, 1000, and 2000 Kg/ha), were applied at two paired plots in which potassium sulfate fertilizer were used. The study was conducted in Guasnr (Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources) farm no.1 in 2018–2019 in Golestan province, Iran. This study was conducted based on split-design experiment in four replications. The space between cultivated rows was 20 cm and 268.5 kg seed of winter wheat was used per ha. Soil mechanical resilience was measured during six stages in growing season using a cone penetrometer (0–5 cm depth) as well as soil moisture (0–8 cm and 8–16 cm). Results showed that applying potassium fertilizer by itself had no significant effect on soil moisture percentage. Applying SAP A200, however, significantly altered the rate of soil moisture and mechanical resilience. Results demonstrated that using SAP A200 increased plant root length and weight; however, no statistically significant difference was noticed among treatments with only having potassium fertilizer. Generally, it can be discussed that soil amended by SAP A200 promoted soil properties and it increased the efficiency of potassium fertilizer as well. As rainfed agriculture in Golestan province with winter wheat plays a critical role in economy and livelihood of local people and also gross national income, application of superabsorbent polymer A200 could be taken into account for developing agricultural production.
Superabsorbent polymer A200,Soil mechanical resilience,Soil moisture,Winter wheat
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