Ad occhi aperti verso il futuro. Il ruolo del digital storytelling nella progettazione partecipata di percorsi di orientamento

Antonio Borgogni,Marco Lazzari, Alice Ponzoni, Stefano Tomelleri

Educational reflective practices(2021)

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The project described in this contribution has been planned to support, through a peer tutoring based on digital storytelling, students coming from vocational upper secondary schools to find their pathways in the Educational Sciences bachelor’s degree course. The project has been grounded on two main conceptual frames. The phenomenological approach, reflecting on authentic and unauthentic existential planning and discussing the words choice and difference . The paradigm of complexity, debating against the underground ruler represented by the paradigm of simplification. Therefore, the university guidance is presented in its political relevance in the light of the low grade of social mobility in Italy, which is affecting those, here named meta-frails – as school-leaver aiming at university bachelor’s degree, who unlikely could achieve antifragility. The actions (tutoring, guidance through ICTs, self-assessment of the attitudes towards the placement, training for the students and for the university’s tutors) and the meanings of the narrative approach through digital storytelling have been reviewed focusing on the link between organizational context and expectations in the light of the semiotic irreducibility of the narration. In conclusion, the entire pathway of the project has been recontextualized in the actual pandemic emergency focusing on the opportunities for a transformative organizational learning of the university.
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