
Bone marrow aspirate concentrate/platelet-rich fibrin augmentation accelerates healing of aseptic upper limb nonunions


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Introduction Nonunions remain a significant burden in orthopedics, often afflicting young males of working age. Positive findings have been published using bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC) and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) for the treatment augmentation of lower limb nonunions. The aim of this study was to investigate if the treatment augmentation with BMAC and PRF can also accelerate the healing of nonunions of the upper limb. Materials and methods Sixty-eight patients (45 men, 23 women) affected by 75 nonunions of long bones of the upper limb were treated and divided into two groups. The first series was treated with standard surgery alone (group A); afterwards, the second series benefited from standard surgery with the addition of BMAC and PRF applied on lyophilized bone chips. Nonunions were classified radiographically according to the Weber–Cech method and prognostically using the Calori and Moghaddam scores. All patients were radiographically assessed at 1.5, 3, 6, 12, and 24 months of follow-up. Results Baseline demographic characteristics did not present differences between groups. No differences were documented in terms of complications (two in group A and three in group B). Significant differences were instead documented in terms of healing time. The first healing signs were observed 1.5 months after surgery in 90.7% of patients in group B and 34.4% of group A ( p < 0.0005). At 1.5, 3, 6, and 12 months, a higher radiographic score was found for group B (all p < 0.0005), while no difference was found at final follow-up of 24 months (90.6% of group A and 97.7% of group B achieved radiological healing). Faster healing with BMAC/PRF augmentation was confirmed for all bones, as well as for the subgroup of patients affected by atrophic nonunions ( p = 0.001). Conclusion This study showed the benefits of restoring both mechanical and biological aspects when addressing nonunions of the long bones of the upper limb. In particular, the association of BMAC and PRF to lyophilized bone chips was safe and able to accelerate healing time. These good results were confirmed for humerus, radius, and ulna sites, as well as for challenging atrophic nonunions of the upper limb.
Limb Reconstruction,Bone Healing,Osteoarthritis Treatment
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