Evaluating low-depth quantum algorithms for time evolution on fermion-boson systems


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Simulating time evolution of quantum systems is one of the most promising applications of quantum computing and also appears as a subroutine in many applications such as Green's function methods. In the current era of NISQ machines we assess the state of algorithms for simulating time dynamics with limited resources. We propose the Jaynes-Cummings model and extensions to it as useful toy models to investigate time evolution algorithms on near-term quantum computers. Using these simple models, direct Trotterisation of the time evolution operator produces deep circuits, requiring coherence times out of reach on current NISQ hardware. Therefore we test two alternative responses to this problem: variational compilation of the time evolution operator, and variational quantum simulation of the wavefunction ansatz. We demonstrate numerically to what extent these methods are successful in time evolving this system. The costs in terms of circuit depth and number of measurements are compared quantitatively, along with other drawbacks and advantages of each method. We find that computational requirements for both methods make them suitable for performing time evolution simulations of our models on NISQ hardware. Our results also indicate that variational quantum compilation produces more accurate results than variational quantum simulation, at the cost of a larger number of measurements.
time evolution,low-depth,fermion-boson
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