
Pediatric admissions to emergency departments of North-Western Italy during COVID-19 pandemic: A retrospective observational study

Irene Raffaldi,Emanuele Castagno, Ilaria Fumi,Claudia Bondone,Fulvio Ricceri,Luigi Besenzon,Adalberto Brach del Prever,Pina Capalbo, Gianluca Cosi,Enrico Felici,Patrizia Fusco, Maria Rita Gallina,Franco Garofalo, Paola Gianino,Andrea Guala,Oscar Haitink,Paolo Manzoni, Antonio Marra,Ivana Rabbone,Luca Roasio, Savino Santovito, Alberto Serra, Eleonora Tappi, Gian Maria Terragni, Fabio S. Timeus, Flaminia Torielli, Alessandro Vigo, Antonio F. Urbino

The Lancet Regional Health - Europe(2021)

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Background: COVID-19 pandemic caused huge decrease of pediatric admissions to Emergency Department (ED), arising concerns about possible delays in diagnosis and treatment of severe disorders. Methods: Impact of COVID-19 on Pediatric Emergency Room (ICOPER) was a retrospective multicentre observational study including 23 Italian EDs. All the children <18 years admitted, between March 9th and May 3rd 2020 stratified by age, priority code, cause of admission and outcome have been included and compared to those admitted in the same period of 2019. Our objectives were to assess the characteristics of pediatric admissions to EDs since COVID-19 outbreak until the end of lockdown, and to describe the features of critical children. Findings: 16,426 children were admitted in 2020, compared to 55,643 in 2019 (-70.48%). Higher reduction was reported in hospitals without Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) (-73.38%) than in those with PICU (-64.08%) (P<0.0001). Admissions with low priority decreased more than critical ones (-82.77% vs. 44.17% respectively; P<0.0001). Reduction of discharged patients was observed both in hospitals with (-66.50%) and without PICU (-74.65%) (P<0.0001). No difference in the duration of symptoms before admission was reported between 2019 and 2020, with the majority of children accessing within 24 h (55.08% vs. 57.28% respectively; P = 0.2344). Interpretation: Admissions with low priority decreased significantly more than those with high priority; we suppose that the fear of being infected in hospital maybe overcame the concerns of caregivers. Compared to 2019, no significant referral delay by caregivers was reported. Our data suggest the need of adaptation of EDs and primary care services to different needs of children during COVID-9 pandemic. (C) 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.
pediatric admissions,emergency departments,north-western
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