Quantitative Diffusion And Perfusion Mri In The Evaluation Of Endometrial Cancer: Validation With Histopathological Parameters


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Objectives: To investigate the role of quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in preoperative assessment of tumour aggressiveness in patients with endometrial cancer, correlating multiple parameters obtained from diffusion and dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MR sequences with conventional histopathological prognostic factors and inflammatory tumour infiltrate.Methods: Forty-four patients with biopsy-proven endometrial cancer underwent preoperative MR imaging at 3T scanner, including DCE imaging, diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and intravoxel incoherent motion imaging (IVIM). Images were analysed on dedicated post-processing workstations and quantitative parameters were extracted: K-trans, K-ep, V-e and AUC from the DCE; ADC from DWI; diffusion D, pseudo diffusion D*, perfusion fraction f from IVIM and tumour volume from DWI. The following histopathological data were obtained after surgery: histological type, grading (G), lympho-vascular invasion (LVI), lymph node status, FIGO stage and inflammatory infiltrate.Results: ADC was significantly higher in endometrioid histology, G1-G2 (low grade), and stage IA. Significantly higher D* were found in endometrioid subptype, negative lymph nodes and stage IA. The absence of LVI is associated with higher f values. K-trans and V-e values were significantly higher in low grade. Higher D*, f and AUC occur with the presence of chronic inflammatory cells, D * was also able to distinguish chronic from mixed type of inflammation. Larger volume was significantly correlated with the presence of mixed-type inflammation, LVI, positive lymph nodes and stage >= IB.Conclusions: Quantitative biomarkers obtained from pre-operative DWI, IVIM and DCE-MR examination are an in vivo representation of the physiological and micro-structural characteristics of endometrial carcinoma allowing to obtain the fundamental parameters for stratification into Risk Classes.Advances in knowledge: Quantitative imaging biomarkers obtained from DWI, DCE and IVIM may improve preoperative prognostic stratification in patients with endometrial cancer leading to a more informed therapeutic choice.
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