Attention-based Domain Adaption Using Transfer Learning for Part-of-Speech Tagging: an Experiment on the Hindi Language
Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information, and Computation(2020)
Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging is considered a preliminary task for parsing any language, which in turn is required for many Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications. Existing work on the Hindi language for this task reported results on either the General or the News domain from the Hindi-Urdu Treebank that relied on a reasonably large annotated corpus. Since the Hindi datasets of the Disease and the Tourism domain have less annotated corpus, using domain adaptation seems to be a promising approach. In this paper, we describe an attention-based model with selfattention as well as monotonic chunk-wise attention, which successfully leverage syntactic relations through training on a small dataset. The accuracy of the Hindi Disease dataset performed by the attention-based model using transfer learning is 93.86%, an improvement on the baseline model (93.64%). In terms of F1-score, however, the baseline model (93.65%) seems to do better than the monotonic-chunk-wise attention model (94.05%).
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